RS/ES Series

Size 44 7/8 x 16 3/8
ES Air Conditioner with Electric Heat
RSHP Heat Pump wth Electric Backup Heat

Designed as an exact replacement for easy installation requiring no sleeve or louver modifications provides significant cost savings.
  • McQuay
    ES -- Electric, Hydronic - 44 7/8" x 16 3/8", RS -- Heat pump - 44 7/8" x 16 3/8"
  • Singer
    RS -- Heat pump - 44 7/8" x 16 3/8"

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Model Cooling BTU/Hr Cooling EER Reverse Cycle Heat BTU/Hr Reverse Cycle Heat COP Resistance Heat BTU/Hr Resistance Heat KW Nema Plug Power Supply Volts
RSHPC09K00_6 9900 11.1 9100 3.3 N/A N/A 6-15P 230-208
RSHPC09K25_6 9900 11.1 9100 3.3 8700 / 7400 2.5/2.1 6-15P 230-208
RSHPC09K34_7 9900 11.1 9100 3.3 11800 / 9800 3.4/2.8 6-20P 230-208
RSHPC09K50_8 9900 11.1 9100 3.3 17300 / 14200 5.0/4.1 6-30P 230-208
RSHPC12K00_6 12900 10.2 12200 2.9 N/A N/A 6-15P 230-208
RSHPC12K25_6 12900 10.2 12200 2.9 8700 / 7400 2.5/2.1 6-15P 230-208
RSHPC12K34_7 12900 10.2 12200 2.9 11800 / 9800 3.4/2.8 6-20P 230-208
RSHPC12K50_8 12900 10.2 12200 2.9 17300 / 14200 5.0/4.1 6-30P 230-208
RSHPC15K00_6 15100 9.6 14800 2.8 N/A N/A 6-15P 230-208
RSHPC15K25_6 15100 9.6 14800 2.8 8700 / 7400 2.5/2.1 6-15P 230-208
RSHPC15K34_7 15100 9.6 14800 2.8 11800 / 9800 3.4/2.8 6-20P 230-208
RSHPC15K50_8 15100 9.6 14800 2.8 17300 / 14200 5.0/4.1 6-30P 230-208
RSHPC09R00_2 9900 11.1 9100 3.3 N/A N/A 7-20P 277
RSHPC09R20_2 9900 11.1 9100 3.3 7000 2.0 7-20P 277
RSHPC09R30_2 9900 11.1 9100 3.3 10400 3.0 7-20P 277
RSHPC09R40_2 9900 11.1 9100 3.3 13900 4.0 7-20P 277
RSHPC12R00_2 12900 10.2 12200 2.9 N/A N/A 7-20P 277
RSHPC12R20_2 12900 10.2 12200 2.9 7000 2.0 7-20P 277
RSHPC12R30_2 12900 10.2 12200 2.9 10400 3.0 7-20P 277
RSHPC12R40_2 12900 10.2 12200 2.9 13900 4.0 7-20P 277
RSHPC15R00_2 15100 9.6 14800 2.8 N/A N/A 7-20P 277
RSHPC15R20_2 15100 9.6 14800 2.8 7000 2.0 7-20P 277
RSHPC15R30_2 15100 9.6 14800 2.8 10400 3.0 7-20P 277
RSHPC15R40_2 15100 9.6 14800 2.8 13900 4.0 7-20P 277
Model Cooling BTU/Hr Cooling EER Reverse Cycle Heat BTU/Hr Resistance Heat BTU/Hr Resistance Heat KW Power Supply Volts
ESEC09K00 9900 11.1 N/A N/A N/A 230-208
ESEC09K25 9900 11.1 N/A 8900/7300 2.5/2.1 230-208
ESEC09K34 9900 11.1 N/A 12000/9900 3.4/2.8 230-208
ESEC09K50 9900 11.1 N/A 17400/14300 5.0/4.1 230-208
ESEC12K00 12900 10.2 N/A N/A N/A 230-208
ESEC12K25 12900 10.2 N/A 8900/7300 2.5/2.1 230-208
ESEC12K34 12900 10.2 N/A 12000/9900 3.4/2.8 230-208
ESEC12K50 12900 10.2 N/A 17400/14300 5.0/4.1 230-208
ESEC15K25 15100 9.6 N/A 8900/7300 2.5/2.1 230-208
ESEC15K34 15100 9.6 N/A 12000/9900 3.4/2.8 230-208
ESEC15K50 15100 9.6 N/A 17400/14300 5.0/4.1 230-208
ESEC09R20 9900 11.1 N/A 7200 2.0 277
ESEC09R40 9900 11.1 N/A 14000 4.0 277
ESEC12R20 12900 10.2 N/A 7200 2.0 277
ESEC12R40 12900 10.2 N/A 14000 4.0 277
ESEC15R20 15100 9.6 N/A 7200 2.0 277
ESEC15R40 15100 9.6 N/A 14000 4.0 277

Associated Accessories

Accessory Part # Description
ACCEAAGRILLE_ANODIZED Architectural Grille -- Anodized Aluminum - Silver
ACCEAOUTLETGRILLE In-room outlet grille assembly for EA & RS including control door. Useful for in-room outlet grille replacements in older EA sleeves and Applied Comfort RS sleeves.
ACCRSOUTLETGRILLE In-room outlet grille assembly including control door. Used for in-room outlet grille replacements in older RS/ER/MQT sleeves. NOT FOR USE in Applied Comfort RS sleeves (ACCRSSLEEVE) - for that, use ACCEAGRILLE and discard filler plate.
ACCEASSGRILLE_BEIGE Stamped Steel Grille -- Power-coated - Beige
ACCEASSGRILLE_SILVER Stamped Steel Grille -- Powder-coated - Silver
Accessory Part # Description
ACCFADOOR Fresh Air Door Kit, manually-operated. Must be field-installed
Accessory Part # Description
ACCRS_FTCOVER_BOTTOMFL Room Front Cover -- single panel powder coated and insulated -- no return air facility in front panel (indoor air pulled in through sleeve bottom) -- Includes ACCRSFILTER Aluminum Filter for replacement in bottom of wall sleeve.
ACCRSFTCOVER_FRONTFL Replacement front cover to refresh worn out front panel on existing EA wall sleeve that has already been properly retrofitted to use McQuay, Singer, Remington RS/ES/MQT chassis in an EA wall sleeve. Return air flows through perimeter edges of the front panel into full width air filter suited to the dual blowers of RS/ES/MQT. Powder coated and insulated. Includes ACCRSFILTER Aluminum Filter to use in front panel filter holder.
Accessory Part # Description
ACCRSFILTER Aluminum Mesh Filter -- replacement filter for bottom of RS/ES/MQT Sleeves – Also fits into ACCRSFTCOVER_FRONTFL
Accessory Part # Description
ACCRSSLEEVE Wall Sleeve -- 44 7/8" wide x 16 3/8" high x 20" deep – can also replace existing McQuay, Singer, Remington RS/ES/MQT style sleeves -- includes top louver and control door (Note: Air filter and front covers must be ordered separately).
Accessory Part # Description
ACCRS_ESDRAINKIT Drain Kit- Internal for RS/ES
Accessory Part # Description
ACCRSEARETROFITKIT Complete Retrofit Kit – for installing RS/ES/MQT chassis into original McQuay, Sing., Rem. EA/MEA/PMES/PMRS sleeve -- includes ACCRSFTCOVER_FRONTFL, and an open-full-width outlet grille and control door assembly to fit EA-style sleeve.